Young Hadassah Without Borders

Young Hadassah Without Borders is an international program for young leaders who serve as Hadassah ambassadors in their countries. Targeting men and women aged 25–45 from diverse backgrounds, the program fosters a global network and provides exclusive opportunities for innovative investments and partnerships in Israel. Aligned with Hadassah International's mission, the program aims to expand Hadassah’s global reach by engaging younger generations, raising awareness, and improving healthcare access. Supported by the Tannenbaum Young Hadassah International Endowment, it features over 60 volunteers from countries including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Hungary, Israel, Jamaica, Mexico, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Panama, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Hadassah International

Hadassah International was established in 1983 in order to unite people of all faiths and nationalities in their mission to improve lives around the globe based on the activity in medical healing, teaching, and research at the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem.

Hadassah Medical Organization

The Hadassah Medical Organization remains the leader in excellence in health care in the Middle East. It is renowned for its commitment to patient centered and cutting-edge medical treatments, teaching, research and community outreach, and is open to all irrespective of race, religion, nationality, gender or financial status. As a model of excellence in medicine, effective public health delivery and translational clinical research, Hadassah Medical Organization can deliver added value in shaping innovative models of medical development and health care.

Who we are

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